Saturday, April 19, 2008

How Many Times Can You Record The Same Song? The Teenagers Reality Check

After reading the review SPIN gave this album (not posted online), I was more than a little interested. I was looking forward to checking out the "spacey mélange of lo-fi guitar tones and cold dance grooves." But when I actually listened to Reality Check I was more than a little dissapointed.

You ever listen to a band that has really only written one song, and just recorded it over-and-over to fill an album? Yeah, they're called the Teenagers. I enjoyed the opening track, "Homecoming," for it's tongue-in-cheek assessment of American girls. I kind of liked track 2, "Love No," for it's humorous look at a relationship falling apart. But as I listened to more tracks I began to realize that they're all the same. It's not so much formulaic, it's just totally uninterestingly similar. The talking verses, and the off pitch choruses just get to you after awhile.

And the lyrics! Oh, the lyrics are so annoyingly juvenile, and not laughing-at-farts juvenile, but lacking-an-understanding-of-English juvenile. Which makes sense because they are French, after all.

Wait? They're FRENCH?!

No wonder I don't like it.

"Starlett Johansson"

"Love No"


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